Is Higher Ed project management an art or a science? This is a question that’s been asked many times, with varying conclusions. Both sides have their merit, but we, at Optimal Partners, lean towards one side over the other. Before telling you which that is, we want to give you a little bit of background.
Why is Higher Ed Different? Part 4: Users
Users of Higher Ed systems are diverse. Students, faculty, and university staff – three groups with overlapping needs, but also tend to have very different preferences. Being sensitive to each group’s needs and preferences is essential to the success of your IT implementations.
Why is Higher Ed Different? Part 3: Team Members
Higher Ed has an extremely interpersonal culture, so being aware of the intricacies of Higher Ed team members and their needs is critical to any project’s success. By keeping these things in mind, even if you’re a veteran of the industry, you can run a much more effective IT team.
Reclaiming Your Time: The Value of Having a Project Assistant
Working as a project manager, you may start to feel overwhelmed by your workload. There’s an easy solution: hire a project assistant. It’s understandable that you may be hesitant, but any apprehensions you may have can be easily forgotten once you understand the benefits.
Engaging Students in IT Implementations
Communication while working in Higher Ed IT can be a challenge, especially when trying to reach the student body. Everyone is looking for student feedback, so it’s easy for your message to get lost in their inbox. That’s why it’s important to be clever in how you communicate to them.