Greg Ladas is back with the final installment of his Process Principles series. Staying true to your people, process, and technology principles from the beginning to the end of your projects, helps you to consistently find ways to address key issues and take projects successfully across the finish line.
The Higher Ed Process Principles of a Successful Project Manager – Part 2
A successful leader attains the top performance from his/her project teams. Empower your teams to feel personal ownership and pride in their work. Truly believing that people matter is essential as most will recognize when a manager is using manipulation techniques towards a desired outcome such as a sales representative that is only your “friend” until you sign on the dotted line. A true partner is there for you in good times and through stormy weather.
The Higher Ed Process Principles of a Successful Project Manager – Part 1
Guiding principles provide a “dial-tone” for a successful Project Manager. Like the sound you hear when you lift a telephone that lets you know it’s working, these principles become a familiar “voice of reason” that keep you grounded and focused through difficult project issues.