Make a Difference
In line with Higher Ed’s emphasis on community, we want to give you the opportunity to contribute your experience and expertise toward making a difference to the Higher Ed community.
Mentor Aspiring Professionals
Offer Your Expertise as a Peer
Network with Higher Ed IT Professionals
Get the Recognition You Deserve
Refer a Candidate & Get up to $5,000
Help Us Serve You Better
Looking for a way to give back to Higher Ed? Consider becoming a mentor by joining our Students & Recent Grads Mentoring Network Meetup group, where you can help aspiring professionals and pass along your experience. If you are not in the Boston area, you can also connect with and mentor students through our Students and Recent Grads Mentoring Network LinkedIn group.
Yes, I want to get involved!
Your thoughts, opinions, experience, and expertise will help us in our commitment to give back to the Higher Ed IT community.
Use the form to:
•Get more information about how you can make a difference
•Join our network of peers
•Submit a vacant position, upcoming project, or candidate
•Suggest an article topic or recommend a resource or tool
•Express interest in writing about your experience
•Obtain additional information about networking
•Get additional information about mentoring opportunities
•Provide your feedback on our blog