As Higher Ed IT adopts new technologies, it’s becoming more and more important to stay current with tech news. New technological advancements are sure to affect your work at an institutional-level. We’re constantly aggregating new and exciting articles from the best sources so that you can stay informed and ahead in the field.
Uber hires NASA engineer Mark Moore for its flying car initiative
The 30-year veteran of NASA is joining the Uber Elevate project "to be in the right place at the right time to make this market real."
Google Maps update puts commute info a tap away
Google is making it easier for you to figure out commute times, where to go after work for a quick bite, or which train to catch.
Moto Mods Hackathon: Moving the modular smartphone concept forward
With active participation in hackathons and a full Mod Development Kit, Motorola Mobility is enabling hardware developers to help its Moto Mods be successful. The Moto Z is an excellent modular smartphone that looks to be getting even better.
What’s going on with Microsoft’s to-do list successor to Wunderlist?
Microsoft's 'Project Cheshire,' its successor to Wunderlist, continues to wind its way through private beta. But does Microsoft need another to-do list app?
AWS dominates cloud computing infrastructure market, bigger than IBM/Google/Microsoft combined
Amazon's cloud provider is the biggest player in the rapidly growing cloud infrastructure market, according to new data.
Darknet follows Google’s bug bounty lead: But this cash is for flaws that expose shady traders
Now it's a darknet marketplace that hopes a bug bounty scheme can improve security for its clientele.
Make Google Chrome faster, reduce how much RAM it uses, and be more productive
Google Chrome is my browser of choice, but it does have a habit of consuming a lot of system RAM. And sometimes it feels a bit sluggish. Fortunately, these problems are easy to fix.
What would you do with MIT’s new invisible underwater robots?
MIT researchers developed hydrogel robots that are powerful, precise, gentle, and transparent. They just need a purpose.
Big data headaches? Massive memory capacity flattens server costs
You don't have to wait for Intel and Micron. Diablo's Memory1 DIMMs are now qualified with several vendors and the price/performance is stunning. Here's what you need to know.
Stratoscale acquires Tesora, adds database-as-a-service offering
Database services are becoming an increasingly important feature for Stratoscale customers who want to build an Amazon-compatible cloud environment.