As Higher Ed IT adopts new technologies, it’s becoming more and more important to stay current with tech news. New technological advancements are sure to affect your work at an institutional-level. We’re constantly aggregating new and exciting articles from the best sources so that you can stay informed and ahead in the field.
Accenture CTO Paul Daugherty on how the cloud enables the AI revolution
Artificial intelligence will change how work is done, companies and their digital transformation efforts and the workforce.
Samsung, Apple still world’s biggest chip buyers
The two smartphone makers accounted for 18.2 percent of global market, spending US$61.7 billion on semiconductors last year, with Samsung leading the market as top design total available market company.
Huawei’s next smartphone challenge: Navigating Trump-China relations
With President Trump's recent tough talk on trade, can Huawei, Lenovo and ZTE achieve the success predicted for Chinese manufacturers?
3D Systems steps up vertical, industry focus with purchase of Vertex
3D printing and additive manufacturing companies are betting industry-specific use cases can juice growth. 3D Systems is targeting the dental industry.
MIT explores potential of wearable AI to serve as a “social coach”
Researchers at MIT's CSAIL lab have developed a deep-learning system that, using audio and vital-sign data, could one day help people with social anxiety or Aspberger's.
Microsoft gives Windows device makers their 2017 marching orders
Microsoft has some specific ideas about the types of Windows 10 devices it wants its partners to build for holiday 2017. Here's what to expect if Redmond has its way.
Hortonworks introduces Data Warehouse Optimization jumpstart solution
Hortonworks is taking the next step with the OEM tools that it is now reselling by introducing a prescriptive, jumpstart engagement to implement the full bundle. With the market calling for simpler onramps to Hadoop, we believe that Hortonworks should take this new jumpstart program to the cloud.
Apple’s iOS 10.3 beta warning: Does it signal end for 32-bit apps in iOS 11?
Following a recent purge of broken iOS apps, Apple may be gearing up to drop support for 32-bit apps.
Cisco updates Tetration analytics platform, aims to automate security policies
Cisco's policy automation platform aims to migrate companies more toward white list security policies.
Security flaws in Pentagon systems “easily” exploited by hackers
Hackers are likely exploiting the easy-to-find vulnerabilities, according to the security researcher who warned the Pentagon of the flaws months ago.