Webinars and other forms of presentations can be a great way to gain familiarity with a new topic or brush up on a skill that you haven’t used in a while. These presentations cover a variety of topics, from security to project management, and come from various sources around the web.
Audiovisual Support in Higher Ed: What We Do and How We Do It
We will examine how the Audiovisual Services department at the University of New Hampshire has grown in the past 15 years, along with the challenges we’ve faced and the tools we’ve used to keep the lights on and the customers happy. As the least-funded public state university in the country, we’ll discuss how we fight for the resources we need and what you can do to make your case. We will examine the tools and techniques we use at UNH to provide emergency support to over 200 classrooms, conference rooms, and other teaching and learning spaces on campus.Outcomes: Understand the impact of your decisions and how they will affect your customers * Demonstrate effective communication to your management or institutional authorities through data and customer satisfaction and fight for the resources you need with quantitative and qualitative arguments * Conduct your business with the needs of the customer in focus
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SOURCE: Educause
Webinars & Presentations
Creating Library Media Exhibits
Media-rich exhibits open up new possibilities for libraries to showcase their schools’ treasures. Protected assets such as historical manuscripts can be copied and inserted into digital exhibits along with stunning photography, video clips, and graphic elements, all of which combine to lend a vibrancy not formerly possible in glass boxes. Media exhibits offer an opportunity for designers, librarians, and university faculty and staff to work together to curate information and make it available to the public in a unique and attractive way. This presentation will describe the process of creating a media exhibit, from curating to designing to seeing it live.Outcomes: Identify key stakeholders in the exhibit planning stage * Devise a workflow for the creation of a successful media exhibit * Recognize the value of individual textual and visual elements in a media exhibit
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SOURCE: Educause
Webinars & Presentations
IT Career Development: The Right Talents at the Right Time
Discover how the IT Skills Assessment at Cornell University changed how we think about leveraging and growing our individual expertise and learn about the initiatives we created to enhance and further the mission and goals of our colleges and units through the IT Career Development Framework. Outcomes: Explore effective IT Career Development program and its components * Gain the tools necessary to be able to create a talent management program for your institution * Understand what it takes to engage, train, develop, and retain staff
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SOURCE: Educause
Webinars & Presentations
Data Analytics Under the Hood: The Technical Infrastructure behind a Dashboard
Have you ever been curious about what’s behind the analytics used for data-driven decision making? Have you heard the terms “star schema,” “cube,” and “tabular model” and wondered what the heck the data architects were talking about? This session will give you a glimpse at what’s “under the hood” of a data analytics solution built using Microsoft business intelligence tools. We will focus on explaining several key behind-the-scenes BI technology concepts and terms and will include a demo of the “engine” internals of a cube and tabular model.Outcomes: Learn about several underlying technologies used to support BI front-end analytical tools and dashboards * Identify the advantages of constructing technical models to facilitate ongoing analyses and data exploration
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SOURCE: Educause
Webinars & Presentations
Incorporating Disaster Recovery into Your Service Management System
In the event of a disaster, having all of your applications, equipment, and systems back online is key in the continuation of servicing your customers. In this session, we will detail how to incorporate disaster recovery planning into your service management system, highlighting linking applications to servers and the steps needed to return to normal business operations after a disaster. Using your service management application can keep all tasks, personnel, and initiatives in sync while returning to normal business operations.Outcomes: Determine critical business applications and systems to restore after a disaster * Incorporate steps needed to restore these applications after a disaster into your service management system * Learn how to link the selected applications and systems into daily operations
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SOURCE: Educause
Webinars & Presentations
Two Sides of the Digital Literacy Coin: Video’s Effect on Student Learning
Video is having an effect at Colgate, whether it’s being created by faculty for teaching or by students as evidence of learning. From occasional prerecorded lectures to lightboard videos used for daily instruction, Colgate faculty are using video to capture students’ attention and deliver content on a regular basis. Students have been consumers of videos for years, but now they are also producing them. Whether a traditional digital story or scientific report, students at Colgate are creating about 200 projects each semester. Learn why faculty both use and assign videos and how Academic Technologies supports them.Outcomes: Understand why faculty use video to teach students as an alternative or supplement to traditional lectures or readings * Identify key outcomes of video projects and learn how they increase engagement and improve learning * Strategize about how your team of instructional technologists can support both faculty and students use of video based on the Colgate model
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SOURCE: Educause
Webinars & Presentations
Advancing Accessibility through Libraries
This panel will provide an update and discussion on three accessibility initiatives: an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) planning grant for repository services, the Association for Research Libraries (ARL) captioning initiative, and a pilot at the University of Illinois to contribute DAISY files to the HathiTrust Digital Library.
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SOURCE: Educause
Webinars & Presentations
Building Data Refuge: From Bucket Brigade to Sustainable Action
Beginning late in 2016, a large collaborative group of volunteers began to work together to back up vulnerable climate and environmental data at events around the country. In this panel, key organizers of this endeavor will discuss the Data Rescue events, the workflow that was developed to support these distributed activities, and some of the challenges encountered.
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SOURCE: Educause
Webinars & Presentations
The Role of Academic Libraries in an Era of Fake News, Alternative Facts, and Information Overload
This hot-button presentation focuses on what the role of academic libraries should be in helping individuals make sense of a world bursting at the seams with information—some of it completely unreliable. Reflecting on our history of promoting information literacy, librarians and other information professionals need to ask ourselves which instructional approaches we should keep, which we need to change, and how we might use technology to improve our success in helping students become information-literate scholars and citizens.
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SOURCE: Educause
Webinars & Presentations
Climate Control: Building an Ecosystem around Canvas
How do you take a cloud-based system and leverage it to meet the unique pedagogical and administrative needs of a complex higher ed institution? In this session, presenters will review how Harvard Business School created an ecosystem of custom tools and processes to augment Canvas. Attendees will learn about HBS’s strategic approach to embracing vendor-provided solutions in lieu of custom-built applications. Leveraging instructional design consultations, community engagement, and sustainable customizations to the platform. During the presentation, we will discuss the challenges and lessons learned along the way and how those may be applied at other institutions. Outcomes: Define HBS’s strategic approach to implementing cloud-based software * Explore the lessons learned during HBS’s implementation of Canvas and take these lessons with you
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SOURCE: Educause
Webinars & Presentations